Future of Europe for Public Libraries

Building a network of public libraries across Europe to engage with EU policies and initiatives on the themes of: digital, sustainability and democracy.

About the project

The Future of Europe for Public Libraries (FEPL) is an Erasmus+ project which ran from 2022 to 2024, with the aim of creating a strong network of public libraries across Europe interested in engaging with EU policies and initiatives on the themes of digital, sustainability, and democracy. The project worked to support PL2030’s Lighthouse Libraries network – and libraries across Europe – engage with EU policy and initiatives by making them relevant to the library sector. Through in-person meetings (‘thematic clusters’ focusing on one policy area each), the project set out to build a common language among this network of practitioners on these policy areas, and how this can be integrated by public libraries.


Four thematic clusters

In November 2022, a kick-off meeting was held in Brussels by PL2030 at the Goethe Institute. In March 2023, the first thematic meeting on digital futures (Digital Camp) was hosted at the De Krook Library in Ghent. In May 2023, the sustainability thematic meeting was held at DOKK1 in Aarhus (Sustainability Camp) in the context of the Next Library Festival. Finally, in October 2023, the democracy thematic meeting (Democracy Camp) was held in Lisbon by the Lisbon Libraries Network. Overall, the project gathered nearly 200 library professionals in Belgium, Denmark and Portugal.

The formats of the camps allowed for deep reflections on the three topics of digital, sustainability, and democracy, and provided the space to develop a common language to discuss these themes from a library perspective that transcends borders. Through this project, library professionals from across Europe had the opportunity to discover what other libraries and practitioners are doing, and exchange on good practices. This project demonstrated the added value of in-person meetings for building strong networks and connections, and transnational partnerships.

 Building a common language: Discover the FEPL Posters

Over the course of the project, nearly 200 library professionals gathered in Belgium, Denmark and Portugal for in-person thematic meetings on the topics of digital, sustainability, and democracy. The FEPL partners produced a series of posters summarising all the collected insights and co-created knowledge from the thematic camps in an accessible and visual format. The posters include common language, trends identified, and policy recommendations for each of the thematic areas (digital, sustainability, and democracy). We aim for this to be used as a resource for library advocacy work at local, national, and European level. For example, insights from the sustainability camp in Aarhus contributed to developing the city’s local library policy.

Curious to find out more on the FEPL meetings hosted in Brussels, Ghent, Aarhus, and Lisbon?

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.