The data on public libraries and skills for 2022 is in!

PL2030 has compiled factsheets on key statistics on public libraries alongside the European DESI (Digital Economy and Society Index) data for the EU member states, in collaboration with our national partners, and the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) Library Map of the World. The factsheets showcase data on the number of libraries, library users, book loans, as well as number of library staff. In addition to this, the factsheets highlight national statistics on the percentage of people with basic digital skills, regular internet users and female ICT specialists, and more.

As libraries take on more responsibilities relating to digital services and technologies in this period of rapid digital transformation, these country factsheets are a valuable resource to highlight the similarities and differences on local and national contexts across Europe. 2022 is a particularly interesting year to collect data on as it is the first year post-Covid-19 where libraries across Europe began to open up fully to the public.


Discover the data on public libraries and Europe’s digital skills in 2022! 

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